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constant ear scratching, red eyeball and lump above eye

21 15:13:52

Hi! :D

I've had my two little girls, Rizzoli and Isles, since February. They're my first lot of mice.

Within the last few weeks or so I've noticed Isles scratching inside her ear a lot more than usual (to the point where it's bleeding slightly) and her eyeball has suddenly turned ruby (I noticed that yesterday). It's always been slightly red but it's really noticeable now. There's no discharge or anything coming from the eye.
On top of this, she has a lump above the red eye that's popped up about the same time as the eye colour change.

None of the things seem to be affecting her though - she plays, runs on her wheel, eats and drinks normally. She does squeak more often now than she did before though.

I don't think it's mites because Rizzoli doesn't scratch more than the usual. Could it be an allergy? I have recently swapped from shredded newspaper as to other types of shredded paper.

I'm quite worried because I've become quite attached to my little girls and I'd be heartbroken if either of them died. Most of all though, I don't want them to suffer. I should say that I am a college student so I really can't afford to take her to the vet, if at all avoidable.

Thanks for any help!


Dear Nina,

The eye and the scratching may or may not be connected. But they still need to be dealt with separately.

A scratching mouse usually has mites, but as you mention, it can also be allergies. A scratch next to the eye can be an abscess from a wound from a scratch.

An abscess could also be caused by something quite different. It doesn't matter.

The other possibility for a lump like that is a brain tumor, usually a pituitary tumor. If this is the case there is nothing to be done. Soon, her behavior would begin to change, probably her posture. You would have to put her down when she seemed miserable, unless she went on her own.

An abscess, however, is quite treatable, and must be done immediately, before she loses the eye, and the infection spreads through her system.

She should, unfortunately, go to the vet. If the vet thinks it is an abscess, they will lance it (get all of the infected pus out) and give her antibiotics to kill the infection. I can only steer you to weaker antibiotics, unless you can get amoxicillin from a pigeon supply store overnighted, which may cost as much as a vet visit, depending on where you live; and I cannot recommend you lancing it yourself.

The scratching must also be dealt with separately. Remedies I can offer for at home care for mites, again, are not as effective as what the vet can give you; and I have sent you to the vet already. And the vet might be able to diagnose the cause immediately, instead of the trial and error of trying the mite treatment when she has a fungal infection, an ear infection, or allergies.

And as you mention, the scratching could also be from an allergy. However, I always want to treat for mites first. When that doesn't help, I explore allergies. An ear infection would be treated by the antibiotics for the abscess anyway, so that possibility is taken care of.

As for Rizzoli not scratching, it is perfectly normal for some mice in a cage to show symptoms while others don't. They must all be treated. Mice actually always have a few mites. However, it doesn't become a problem until there is stress, illness, depression, loss of a friend, living alone, or contact with another mouse suffering from mites. That is, anything that lowers immune response. If Isles has mites, Rizzoli definitely does, and they may become a problem soon. Especially if, unfortunately, you were to lose Isles.

This post includes links which have a ton of advice about how to deal with all of the possibilities for the ear scratching:

Please let me know if you have any other questions. Good luck to both mice.

