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3 baby orphan mice- not pooping, how often to nurse, more info

21 15:13:52

QUESTION: Hi there, I have today found 4 baby mice in my Dads compost area of the garden -unfortuantely 1 was dead so I have taken the remaining 3 in to look after them as the mother ran away and my dad had disturbed their nest unknowingly. Looking at pictures online Im guessing they are around 10 days old - they are fury but have their eyes still closed. Following advice online and from the pet store I have fed them kitten milk with a dropper and made them a home in a small hamster box. I have tried massaging their tummies to make them poo but have not been successful?? ANY tips/advice etc for me to ensure these lovely little things survive will be gratefully recived; how often should I be feeding them? What else can I do for them?
kind regards

ANSWER: Dear Sophie,

Are they maybe eliminating by themselves in the nest? If not, it is very important that you stimulate them. Use your finger and massage not only their lower tummies but also their genital area. Don't worry, they won't turn you in for mouse pup molestation!

They must be fed every two hours, without fail, around the clock. It is not easy to replace a mouse mommy! This woman is very experienced in raising orphaned mice, so I will just send you to her video:

Also watch all of her other videos about raising mice- they include potential problems, etc.

Write back if there is anything she doesn't address. She knows more than I do but I can address issues that might not be covered.

Best of luck!



---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi Natasha,
thanks for getting back to me; i have been watching all that womans videos on you-tube; theyre brilliant - so informative!
My little ones seem to be doing ok (now weeing and pooping no problem after I read to massage their genitals with a warm wet Qtip) -
I'm a little worried they might not be eating enough/getting dehydrated - would they be weeing and pooping tho if this were the case? Should I give them rehydrate mixture just incase?!

many thanks

Dear Sophie,

I'm glad that worked. We mouse advisors of the world should be more specific about it.

Many people mix the kitten milk with 1/2 pedialyte. I would recommend doing that every other feeding, if you think they seem dehydrated. You would tell by their skin. Did you watch the video that had a mouse that got dehydrated? One of her mice had that problem at one point.

Best of luck!

