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HELP: Mouse with Large Wound on Back

21 15:09:04

I adopted an abandoned baby mouse from a shelter about a week ago, it was very scruffy and had a large scab on her back when I got her. I put her in with other female male a few days ago and they seemed to get along fine. Until I got back home tonight to see a large hole in her back where her old scab was. It looks like the other mice were chewing at it, now there is a nickle size hole and I can see inside her body it was that deep, some organs and stuff. I thought she was dead but surprisingly she is still moving. She did not make any squeaking noises and is very silent and still. She shivers a bit and that's about it. For the last hour I was comforting her as I assume she would pass on, but she is still alive. I have the hole temperary closed with a small paper binder,  I am also a med student so I am considering stitching her up if it comes to that. It is 2:30 am right now and I don't know any vets that are opened. Do you have any suggestions?

Dear Seth,

It has been 4 hours since you wrote and my guess is she hasn't made it so far. In case she has, you should know that even a well mouse is at serious risk for death from anesthesia.

I also don't think you will find a vet who will operate.

This girl is in extreme pain, as you can imagine. Mice don't show pain. She should really be put to sleep.

If you want to wait until she passes on her own, give her a drop of children's liquid ibuprofen or Tylenol every four hours, and hold her.  Mice know when they are loved. They often ask to be held at time of death. If you have something stronger to give her that is better. Don't worry about overdosing. That is the least of her concerns.

If she is still alive when the vet opens, certainly bring her in. There is no need to stitch her up before then. I assume she is not bleeding profusely. The vet will probably put her down.

I don't know if I have been any help.

If she actually survives, please let me know. I will be amazed and learn from it.

I wish her the best, whether in recovery, or "on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge" where little creatures are healthy again and have everything they could desire. Or however you believe.

Saddened squeaks,
