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Sore eyes

21 15:15:37

Hi, a few days ago I noticed my mouse's eyes were a bit red and swollen. He is very lethargic and not eating much. Today, one eye seems to be almost closed and both eyes look very watery and pussy. Do you know what could be wrong? Thank you!

Hi Lauren,

This could be irritation from his environment (does the cage need cleaned?  Are you using a low-dust paper or aspen bedding?  Is there anything new in the cage?), an allergy, or even a result of being ill or an injury/scratch to the eyes.  To help with the eyes, you can dissolve a small amount of salt in warm water and use a cotton swab dipped in the solution to very gently moisten the eyes.  You don't need to get it in the actual eyes and you don't need to wipe them - just dot the lids when he closes them.  It's okay if he rubs it off; this is just like when your eyes get irritated and you use a saline solution to make them feel better and flush off any irritating particles or crusties.

This will help with the irritation, but won't solve whatever caused it.  Since he is acting sick, it would be a very good idea to bring him by a vet who works with pocket pets like mice.  Bring his entire cage, too, in case anything in his environment can provide the vet with clues.  If it isn't possible to get him into a vet, it's important to get him on an antibiotic.  Tetracycline is available over the counter at your local pet shop or feed store, and is a good general antibiotic, although a vet visit would be much better if possible.  Natasha's answer from this question has excellent instructions on how to give tetracycline:

I hope I helped, and please feel free to write me back with more details on his situation and any additional symptoms if you have more questions!  I hope he feels better soon and those poor little eyes clear up!
