Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > Red eye on mouse

Red eye on mouse

21 15:32:08


I have two pet mice, Moxy and Peepicheek, who I saved from a snake feed breeder. Yesterday when cleaning out their cage I noticed Moxy has a red ring around her left eye. She didn't appear to be in any pain nor does she scratch it. She can blink that fine and it doesn't look swollen, just very very red and bloodshot. The other eye doesn't look affected. Thanks to your advice on some of the other questions I put a little Neosporin on it last night and this morning she looks a little put off by the ointment (wiping her face etc) but otherwise the same - very red and raw.  She's still eating, playing, running on her wheel the same as usual, but I am concerned - what is it? An infection, or an abscess? What should I do? Should I take Peepicheek out of the cage while Moxy recovers?

Dear Tierney,

Yes, unfortunately the two mice should be separated.  I hate to do that.  

The rest is out of my expertise.  I don't have any home remedies for eye problems.  An abscess is a large lump, so that's not it.  The mouse needs to go to a vet.  

