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Should Dad Mouse stay with babies?

21 15:32:51

i have a male mouse and a female they have been together for a month and got to know each other shes pregnant since they know each other can i leave him in there as i heard he'll help her take care of them please reply soon as im sure she'll have them any day now...thank you very much for your help.....

Dear Brittany,

If you want more babies, leave Dad in the cage.  He will help take care of the babies and Mom Mouse will appreciate that greatly.  However, he will probably also mate with her soon after the babies are born.  Thus if you don't want another  litter in 3 weeks, take him out now.

There are a lot of questions about babies in my archives.  Click on 'View past answers' on my profile or main mouse page.

Have tons of fun!

squeaks n giggles,
