Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > fast breathing, itchy and bumps on eye

fast breathing, itchy and bumps on eye

21 15:32:51

hi, i have been reading through the other questions and responses. my mouse seems to have several of the symptoms which make it hard to determine which response fits... she has little white bumps on her top eyelid, is breathing very rapidly and won't stop scratching her head and face. I have only had her and her cage mate since jan this year. I have been using "softwood" bedding since the begining and these symptoms have just started this last weekend. please help!
thank you so much for your time!

It doesn't sound like it's anything you've done, but it does sound like she needs a trip to the vet. I'm sorry I can't help you further but your vet should be able to accurately diagnose the problem and give you something for it. I hope she recovers soon, please feel free to ask anymore questions.