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cleaning the cage of a new mum

21 15:39:52

My daughter bought a ten week old male mouse, or so the pet shop told us! Two weeks later Alvin became Alvina and had a litter of babies. They are now 10 days old and the cage is in desperate need of cleaning but we read that you must not disturb them or the mum will eat the babies! Help, is it OK to separate them for a little while while we clean the cage or do we need to wait until they are up and running about?

Cleaning the cage causes stress to mothers if the babies are under 7 days old. I really don't think it will be a problem as yours are 10 days. If the cage needs cleaning the cage needs cleaning. Try to keep the nesting box intact unless this area also needs a clean. If it does, only change the bedding and don't wash or change the house she has used for the babies.

Clean the cage as quickly as possible to reduce stress and keep them in a dark warm area whilst you clean the cage. Only use water to clean the cage.

Please feel free to ask any more questions.