Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > found 2 week old mouse

found 2 week old mouse

21 15:16:45

Dear Natasha,
3 days ago I saved a baby mouse from my cat. It didn't have it eyes open but opened them yesterday. He has been eating just fine until today. I was feeding him every hour during the day and was going to start the weaning process today. When I woke up this morning and went to feed him he seemed very weak and would not eat. I was able to get a few drops in him. I am not sure what to do now.
Thank you,

Dear Randi,

It is very hard to replace a mouse mommy, even without the incredible shock he has had and the strong possibility of infection from the cat. There is nothing extra that you can do besides trying to feed him, and keeping him warm. You are rubbing his tunny and genitals with a Q tip after he eats, right?

He is not at all ready to wean. Don't try for another couple of days; the earliest a mouse can leave the nest is 21 days.

I wish him the best of luck, but his prognosis is poor. There isn't much you can do.

