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Mouse with a swollen eye and some history

21 15:24:02

QUESTION: I've had my mouse Mia B for about a year. When I got her she was pregnant and had two daughters which died within a month of each other when they were about 4-5 months old. Both of them rapidly lost weight, became lethargic and hid in their shelter, and seemed to stop grooming themselves about a week or so before they died. They also each had very swollen eyes to the point that they looked like they had tumors or something.
This happened about six months ago. Since then Mia B has been fine. She never seemed affected by whatever killed her daughters, but a few days ago I noticed that her right eye was very swollen in the same disfigured looking way. She still seems healthy otherwise. She's eating and running on her wheel as usual, but I'm very worried about the eye. There does not appear to be any injury around it, and there's no pus or outward sign of infection aside from the swelling. Do you have any idea what might be going on?

ANSWER: Do you have a photo of her eye by any chance? It is very possible she could have a fast growing tumor, or a virus which has caused the eye to ulcerate. Sometimes, certain viruses can cause ulcerations of the cornea, which can lead to blindness. They can be extremely painful, as can a tumor. How old is she? Here are a few links you might want to check out in regards to viruses.

I would recommend getting her in to see a vet as soon as you can so they can determine if she has an injury, tumor, or something else going on. I hope this helps. I'm sorry I can't give you any more information.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I'm not sure if this is allowed, since it's not really a question, but I wanted to let you know what I found out.
I took her to a vet yesterday, because she'd been getting worse over the weekend. It turns out there was nothing wrong with her eye at all - it was one of her teeth, and she has an abscess in her jaw that caused the entire side of her face to swell. The vet had to lance it from 2 sides and let it drain for a couple of hours (MiaB was asleep.) She's now taking antibiotics and is obviously feeling much better.
The vet had no idea how this might be related to whatever happened to her daughters. I'm just going to watch her very closely for any sign of swelling in that area, as she might have some kind of particular weakness to injury/infection there.
Thank you so much for your response and the links. I knew I was giving you some pretty vague information. I tried to get a picture of MiaB's face for future reference, but she would not cooperate and I'm trying not handle her too much while she's healing. Good luck on your new litter!

Poor girl! We regularly see dogs and cats with swollen faces due to abscessed teeth. As far as what the link may be between her and her daughters, do they have plenty of hard things to chew on in their cage? Since rodents teeth continually grow, perhaps she did not have access to grind her teeth down far enough, and perhaps one of her teeth overgrew, causing infection? If her teeth look normal than that wouldn't be it obviously...just trying to come up with an idea of how it abscessed. What antibiotics did they prescribe? Baytril or Doxyclycline? If they gave you Doxy just make sure she has a ton of fresh water available, and a lot of food. Doxy is very rough on the stomach and can make her a little nauseous. Glad to hear you found out what the problem is though. I'm happy to hear she's feeling better. :)