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Mom mouse keeps putting babies in water bowl

21 15:32:05

My mouse keeps putting her babies in the the water bowl. i have never had this problem. Everytime i check up on her i find babies fighting for there lives in the water bowl so i get them out and they live but later on she puts them back in. Why does she keep doing that?

Dear Nicole,

That's terrible!  When a mother mouse thinks her babies are in danger, she will abandon or kill them.  Sometimes a mother mouse, especially a first time mother, will get confused and this instinct kicks in when it shouldn't.

I think you'd better remove the water bowl.  If she doesn't know how to drink from a bottle, just give her carrots, celery, cucumber to get her water from.  All you can do is keep putting the babies back in the nest and hope she'll calm down.

best of luck.

