Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > Has my mouse had a stroke?

Has my mouse had a stroke?

21 15:15:56

Hi Natasha,
Last night I checked on my mice Hammy and Pickle and had them out of the cage and they were both fine and this evening I fetched them out and put them in their little pet carrier whilst I cleaned their cage and they were both still fine. About 20 minutes later when I'd sorted the cage, Hammy was fine but Pickle was walking around in circles and her head is leaning to one side. When she does walk in a straight line it's as if she's leaning to one side all the time and when she stands on her back legs, she falls over.
She's not squeaking in pain or anything and it came on in a matter of minutes which is why I'm wondering if it is a stroke.
I do plan on taking her to the vet in the morning if she is no better but I know they can't really do anything for her if it's a stroke :/

Dear Hannah,

It very much sounds like a stroke. There is probably nothing a vet can do but it is worth a try. When humans have a stroke they can often partially recover after a time. I doubt she will be normal but it is not unlikely that she can still have a decent life. With mice all that matters is how happy they are, in my opinion. If she gets around just fine with a disability and still eats, drinks, poops, sleeps in the nest, and doesn't get listless and lethargic, there is no reason to put her down, as one might do an animal which has a bigger world to navigate like a dog.

I hope this is clear; I am writing on my phone because I am traveling. Good luck to Pickle.

