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mouse with broken leg

21 15:07:37

Hi. I have a mouse with her hind leg brokeb and the worst part is that her bone is sticking out of the flesh! The foot is dangling but it isn't rotting. When I discovered her foot, there wasn't any bleeding or blood stains anywhere. I I have given her a bit of paracetamol for pain and applied some terramycin on the affected area. What else can I do to help her? My country do not have much vets who sees rats or mice and the vets here don't care about them as the mind set of the ppl here only thinks mice and rats are feeders or just pests. Thanks.

Dear Kimberly,

I am sorry to take so long to answer, but there is nothing else to do. Keep giving her those pain meds for a week. Watch extremely carefully for infection. I recommend picking up some antibiotics for fish- tetracycline, amoxicillin, or doxycycline in capsules or packets- just in case. If it swells, seems to hurt around the area, or smells, you will want to get the mouse on antibiotics ASAP. Contact me and I will respond much more quickly.

Not seeing the foot I have no idea what is physically going to happen. It is possible that she will chew off a leg part. Whatever happens, she will get used to her disability.

Poor little girl. Best of luck and a speedy recovery

