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Squinty eyes (mouse)

21 15:21:28

I have two mice, and one of them has squinty eyes. There's no discharge, and she is a healthy mouse, so I don't see what could be the problem. She opens her eyes, but at times she just goes squinty. Is something wrong with her, or is she perhaps sleepy?

Dear Hanna,

If there is absolutely no other possible sign of illness, then that's just the way she is.  Mice do squint commonly when they are half asleep. I have also had mice who were a little squinty-eyed sometimes, and nothing was wrong.  But if she should develop any signs of illness, such as being hunched over, lethargic, not clean-looking, or starts sneezing, then she should go to the vet.  

Have fun with your little buddies : ))

squeaks n giggles,
