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lump on mouse

21 15:14:12

Hello :)

I am really worried, i have a mouse, male, 5 months old. He's a healthy one, eats well, keeps jumping around and plays alot.

He seems to have this outgrowth under his left arm. Abscess or something, i don't know what they call it. It worries me. It doesn't seem to affect him much, and his appetite is still about the same.

The outgrowth seems to be growing. Its been about 2 days and i have an appointment with the vet a day after. I want to know if its something serious. Also, what would be safe to give him to eat right now?

I had a mice before and he died old, but i've never come across something like this.

Help would be appreciated. Thank you :)

Dear Varnika,

It is the right thing to go to the vet. The vet will be able to tell if it is an abscess, or a cyst or tumor. If it is an abscess it is treatable-- the vet will probably lance it and give you antibiotics. A cyst is usually harmless if it does not grow too big. A tumor is bad news because it will keep growing, but these is no reason to put a mouse down unless the tumor hampers its movements or it seems depressed. Mice do not care if they look funny.

I hope it is an abscess. Thank you for caring enough to take the mouse to the vet.

