Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > skin virus from mouse urine?

skin virus from mouse urine?

21 15:24:32

can you get a skin eating virus from mice urine?

Dear Trent,

No.  The virus that can be carried in mouse urine is hantavirus, and it behaves like a flu. It is very rare, and is spread through breathing in the dried urine or feces.  The skin infection you can get from handling a mouse is ringworm.  This isn't spread through the urine but from contact with the skin of the mouse.

If you have skin irritation from mouse urine, it is likely that you are slightly allergic to mice.  This happens to me.  It stings a little if I let urine stay on my skin for a while. I also get irritation from the little scratch marks their claws make on my skin.  The marks get a little red.

I hope I have answered your question.

