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Mouse, Her eye

21 15:10:19

so I have a almost 7 month mouse that is I think healthy except for one thing, so for Christmas break I went to brazil for about 2 weeks and my friend took care of my mouse she cleaned it and when I came back my mouses right eye was pinkish and it is now itching it and its head and neck. My mom said she cleaned it perfectly but when I saw there was a lot of bedding could it have poked itself in the eye or something? I jut changed the bedding to a bit less then there was and he's doing a bit better but I did notice that when I take her out of the cage she already looks and acts normal again but when I out her back she starts running and itching her eyes and all. what should I do? because I don't want to pay 60 bucks to give a mouse a check up :( I have looked up everything possible but still no answer any suggestions PlZ PLZ PLZ answer!

Hi Lili,

I need a few more details to help you out, so if you can write me a followup I'll be able to give some more assistance.  First, is the eye itself pink, or the skin around it?  Is the eye itself swollen, leaking, or squinting?  Is the skin around the eye and the eyelid swollen?  You mentioned her scratching at her eyes again when you replace her in the cage - does she itch at and around both eyes or just the one?  What sort of bedding is she currently using?  Lastly, are the spots she is itching on her head and neck missing fur, scabbing, pink/irritated, or swollen?

The itching could be caused by multiple things, none of which could have been caused by a cage change or too much bedding, so as many of the above details as you can give me the better we can narrow it down.  She could have an eye infection from accidentally scratching or poking her eye, an allergy, mites (which can come in on bedding on accident, and wouldn't be your or your mom's fault), or a number of other problems.  All of these can be treated at home, but the very best way to determine quickly what the source of the problem is and how best to address it is a vet appointment.  I know that is not always possible, but if you can that will be the fastest and very best option for her.

Please get back to me when you can and we'll see what we can do to get her feeling better and less itchy!  Thank you,