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mouse comes pregnant from pet store

21 15:31:51

hey i'm nikki i got 2 from the pet store 3 days ago and i'm wondering if she might be pregnant her nipples stick out a bit and she is slightly rounded but not enough to say she is pregnant what other signs can i look for?

Dear Nikki,

She is probably pregnant.  It is pretty common for a pet store to make a mistake.  She will get bigger fairly quickly.  If you don't want babies, you may be able to return her to the pet store.  Don't be surprised if the other mouse is pregnant as well.

If you keep her, make sure she has a nice nest and don't disturb her once the babies have come.  The other mouse will usually help take care of the babies.  Leave her alone until the 7th day.  Then you can start gently handling them all together for a few minutes at a time.

I have written a lot of posts about raising babies, so try a search using the terms 'Natasha, mouse, babies' and you will find a lot.  

best of luck!

