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Getting Ready For The Big Wide World

21 15:18:41

I'm looking after a baby mouse, who i think is almost 2 weeks old,
It has fur, but it's eyes are still closed.
I am only able to keep this mouse until school starts again, because it would be two hard two make sure he's ok and keep him a secret from my pet cat, I want to make sure it is ready to live the outdoor life when I have to let him go.
I want to improve his skills,
So far i have made him a little maze out of cardboard,
and the smart little mouse can find it's way through the maze even know it's eyes are still closed!
I know he is a smart little guy and I don't want his talent wasted because of a hungry predator.
Could you please give me some ideas of toys and stuff i can make to improve his skills.
Thank you.

Dear Edith,
thank you for your question.
You need to handle the mouse as little as possible and keep its cage in a room that's not much frequented so that is doesn't get tamed by your presence. The cage must be as big as possible and as close to its natural habitat as possible, with leaf litter, branches, maybe tufts of grass. Scatter the food in the bedding so that it learns to search for food by itself and definitely offer insects such as mealworms or crickets, it's a part of the natural diet for most mouse species and it will need to learn how to hunt them.
Depending on where you live, you need to keep the mouse until the temperatures won't be freezing anymore and it needs to gradually get used to outside temperatures. You may want to contact a wildlife rehab station near you for help (although not all of them handle mice), they should at least be able to help you if not take the mouse in.
I hope I was of some help to you