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Pet Mouse Died Suddenly

21 15:20:09


As I was checking my mice over before bed, I noticed that one, Stella, was laying funny in their little house. I lifted it up to check on her and found that she had died. I'm concerned because Stella had never been ill or shown any signs of weakness.

I've 13 mice for about 3 months, and 4 of them have had respiratory infections, but they were quarantined immediately and treated with baytril and thankfully no one else became sick. It has since been about a month and everyone seems healthy again-- although the 4 are still kept separate just in case.

Stella was fine earlier yesterday when I played with them. She  was eating and when I put my hand in their cage, she crawled up my arm and was acting the same as usual-- no lethargy, no weight loss and no sniffles.

I'm wondering what could have possibly happened to her.I checked her over and she had no bite marks or any wounds, and my girls have always been pretty peaceful so I'm doubting an attack was the cause.

If there is anything you can suggest that would help ease my mind, or anything I should be looking for in the other mice, I would really appreciate it. I can't understand why she would suddenly pass away like this, and I'm worried for my other babies!

Thank you very much for any help you can provide.


Dear Briana,

Mice do die of sudden problems like people do, so she may have simply had a heart attack.  Another possibility is an internal tumor. The fact that she was in her house when she died suggests that it was a very fast and unexpected death. Mice usually know when they are going to die, and they will get as far from the nest as possible. Thus the likelihood is that it was nothing that could affect the other mice.

Continue to watch the other mice for the usual signs of illness, and if anyone gets sick, treat them all with Baytril or Tetracycline.

I'm so sorry about little Stella.

