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Two mice of three suddenly die

21 15:11:59

Hi Natasha,

About eight months ago at school my room mate and I got three mice as pets: Lucy, Charlie, and Pandora (Panda). I took them home from college with me for the summer and things were going great. Out of the blue last night, I came home from being out all day and noticed that Panda was balled up in the corner of the cage and breathing funny. Upon going to check on her, I noticed a rotten smell and started panicking. I started pulling bedding out of their house and only found Lucy but not Charlie. I began digging under their bedding- we leave it pretty thick so they can burrow, and unfortunately I uncovered Charlie who was dead. I took her out and laid her down and then went to help Panda, who was acting very strange and felt a little colder than normal. She was being very lethargic but seemed to like that I had her wrapped up and warmer- I thought at first she was just depressed. She seemed to wake back up a bit but then out of nowhere she started convulsing and died as well.

I'm very confused about it all- could this just be a coincidence? Why was Charlie buried under the bedding? Just the night before they were all frantically running on their wheel as usual. Lucy is doing fine except I can tell she's confused and is looking for Charlie and Lucy. Is it too late at this point to introduce other mice, or is it a good idea so she isn't lonely?

Thank you,

Dear Sophie,

It sounds like your two mice were sick, presumably from the same illness. Unfortunately this means you can't introduce any new mice until you are sure that Lucy is not sick. Apparently this illness is very contagious. Watch Lucy very very carefully, and at the least sign of illness, lethargy, hunching, noise, or anything else out of the ordinary, get her to the vet immediately. This illlness works fast.

Assuming Lucy is OK, she has to wait for two weeks before she can be introduced to new mice. It is very hard for a mouse to be alone, especially when she is mourning; you need to give her a ton of attention right now. Try holding her as you do other things; the more time with you, the better. You might find that her personality changes in a day or so- for the sweeter. You are her only friend and she may transfer all of her affection onto you.

After two weeks, get at least two more little girls. The smaller, the better. When you introduce them, use a clean cage with no toys, and put dabs of REAL vanilla on their necks and rumps. Chasing and squeaking is fine; blood, depression, lethargy, or inaccess to wheel, nest, or food, are bad.

As for little Panda who convulsed in your hand, this is generally what happens when mice die. some just kick; I have had them jump up in the air. It is good that you were holding Panda when she died. Many mice ask to be held when they are about to die.

Why was Charlie buried under the bedding? So he wouldn't rot, make the others sick, or attract predators.

I am so sorry for your loss. And poor little Lucy. give her kisses for me.

