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Mouse doesnt groom

21 15:05:43

Hi, Tamarah!
I have a female mouse named Fawn. She was originally a feeder mouse, but my pet store moved her to a different tank because her fur was not pure white. She's a creamy brown/tan color. I believe she's around a year and a half old, and she's showing some signs of aging. I've also noticed that her fur is getting 'scruffy' and I never see her grooming anymore, at all. She enjoys cheek rubs and going onto my hands to look around. Is there a way for me to encourage her to groom again? Or is this a sign of old age?

Hi Michelle,

While it could be her age, it would be prudent to make sure nothing else is going on that might be fixable.  Usually mice stop grooming when they feel bad - is she showing any other symptoms that might clue us in to if something is wrong?  Does she sneeze, click, or hunch?  Is she sleeping more and moving around less?  Is she still eating and drinking normally?  Is the water bottle functioning correctly?  Are her eyes dull or alert, and are her ears her normal color or very pale? Has she gained or dropped any weight recently?  Are her stools normal, or have they recently changed?

Take a close look at her, her behavior, and her environment and let me know if you can find anything by writing me a "follow up" question.  Let's see if we can figure it out together!  :)
