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pregnant sick mouse

21 15:09:39

How can i help my mouse,she had 4 babies last month and did well, babies are good. now she is pregnate agian, but this time she does not look well. shes very lathargic, and boney..she now has diarera. she has been eating and ive seen her drinking, but she so boney. r the babies inside dead and causing her to die??

Hi Angie,

Unfortunately, her pregnancy makes it very difficult to treat her, and this sounds like an emergency situation.  Her best bet is for you to take her as soon as you can to a vet who works with pocket pets such as mice as soon as possible.  Bring her whole cage with you and any cagemates so the vet can help identify what may be causing the problem.

Unfortunately, there is no way to tell right now if the babies she is carrying are alive or dead.  Early in pregnancy, a lost litter will be reabsorbed safely into the body.  Later on, any pups that die will need to be delivered to prevent infection.  They may actually be fine, but the fact that she sounds so sick is a sign that she needs emergency care right now.

The diarrhea, weight loss, and lethargy all imply a serious illness that may need medication.  The antibiotics I would normally suggest for use at home are not safe for pregnant or nursing mice, so you will need a vet's help to find a safe treatment as soon as you can.

Best of luck, and my thoughts are with you both,