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Strange mouse pooping and behavior

21 15:17:53

just got some pet mice(3) had to put 1 in another cage, & that 1 seems to not "poop" all the way out, best way to say it. we keep finding it still in his butt also they don't seem to be very active. Thanks in advance for your possible help! have a great night...

Dear Lisa,

Mice do get constipated and it can make them quite sick. This can be helped by feeding them fresh fruits and vegetables (no bananas). When the mouse is constipated it helps to get them to be active, to get their system going; another thing that helps is a bit of a massage of the abdomen, or a full body massage.

I had a mouse who I thought was almost dead, and I actually had an appointment to have her put to sleep. The night before, I was holding her and massaging her and she came out with some very huge poops. The next day she was hopping about like a happy (well, elderly, so not so much hopping) mouse. That was close! So hold him several times a day and give him a bit of a massage when you do.

Best of luck,

<:3  )--~