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found 4 baby mice

21 15:20:06

hello, i really need your help i was outside yesterday in my backyard and i found 4 baby mice all black i have raised baby mice before and they look to be about a week old or so they have all their hair and their eyes closed, when i found them i thought the mother would come back so i left them over night and went back they were still there, so i went out every little while today to see it they were still there and around 5 they were still there so i took them and i researched how to feed them and what to feed them so i tryed feeding them diluted kitten milk with a seringe and they didnt eat and i tryed with a paint brush which is what some people suggested and they didnt eat and im panicing i dont know what to do please help :(

Hi Megan,

It's actually very possible that the mom was coming back to the babies and was just scared off each time you checked on them.  In the future I wouldn't worry about them unless they were in an exposed spot (to dogs, weather, etc.) or are obviously thin or malnourished.

At this age pups start to get picky about how they eat, and they may be choosy about what position they are in when they feed.  You can try warming the milk just a little and placing it in the cracks of your palm - they may lick it up on their own.  They might also like to be held upright to feed, or to suckle it from a small nipple (try your local feed store) or a dropper.  They might not still need it, but massaging their genitals and lower belly with a warm, moist cotton swab to help them go to the bathroom before and after attempted feedings may help stimulate an appetite.  Also remember to keep them warm with a heating pad, making sure it doesn't get too hot, because if they get too cold and don't feel well they may not want to eat.

If you can't get them to eat after you've tried every other feeding option, try a couple of different foods.  You can mix kitten milk replacement into baby food and try that, or mush up a banana with water and KMR as well.  They may also already be exploring harder foods, so try leaving some other foods that won't go bad when left out around in their bedding, such as pellets or stale bread.  Even if they eat solid foods, they still need to be fed kitten milk to keep them hydrated.

If you just can't get them to eat anything at all, your best option is to try your local pet shops or vet offices and see if anyone can either help you get them to eat or maybe even find you a surrogate momma mouse.

Best of luck!