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Fedder mice and curly hair?

21 15:24:10

QUESTION: I rescued 4 feeder mice from my work and i rescued one in particular because it has curly/wavy hair.  I was trying to figure out how rare that was because feeder mice are only supposed to have smooth white fur and be 2"-3" long.

ANSWER: Feeder mice can be any color or marking, bred for the sole purpose of becoming some hungry reptiles dinner. While most are albino, not all are. There are several different coat and color mutations in mice. While it may not be common in a feeder colony as they are not breeding for anything special, it is common in the fancy mouse trade, where breeders specialize in certain types of mice.

Scroll down to Fancy Mice to learn about the coat types and colors. :)

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: well my question was actually about how often do you suppose a curly haired mutation happens in Feeder Mice.

Probably not very often. If it is a domiant gene only one of the parents need to express the gene for it to show up in offspring. I would consider yourself lucky. :) You may want to email a few breeder just to make sure you're not holding on to a new gene.