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Field Mouse

21 15:05:47

I found a field mouse outside my work, he had been sitting in the windowsill for several hours (my coworkers name it Quincy) anyhoo I went and got a mouse cage and bedding and food and took it home, he's in my bathroom now, he's burrowed in his bedding and I did all the tricks you told a previous woman to do (butter on the ball of the water bottle etc) I'll also keep an eye out to see if he's unhappy or not. I was concerned about disease, but it looks like there was only 54 cases according to the website you posted on the last woman's question. So here is my question(s) 1. It's a tad chilly in my bathroom, but not super chilly, and that's where Quincy is for the moment, will he/she be okay in there? It's definitely warmer than it was outside 2. Do field mice generally bite? How do I know of he's okay with being handled? 3. You mentioned toys in a previous post (he has a wheel but might be too little to get use of it) what else should I get him? Do you think a cage is okay (I bought one for mice) or should I put him in a glass tank? I appreciate your help.

Hi Deja,

I generally recommend keeping mice above 65 degrees Fahrenheit, but obviously it will be different from place to place.  As long as he has a place to burrow and it isn't colder than outside, he should be fine.

Yes, field mice may bite, particularly if cornered or handled when stressed.  Field mice have generations and generations of instincts as prey animals - it takes several generations of breeding to change their temperament.  The running and biting that makes them poor pets is what keeps them alive outside.  Are you planning on keeping the little dude, or releasing him somewhere else?  As long as there isn't snow on the ground, he can be safely released in an area far away from houses/offices, where he can find a suitable spot to build a home and bunker down for the winter.  While you have him, simply try to keep his stress down by only approaching him when necessary.

If you were planning on keeping him as a pet, however, understand that you likely won't be able to play with him, and he may not be happy in a cage.  Watch his behavior - does he act aggressively or fearfully when you approach?  Is he always trying to squeeze through the bars and escape?  Does he climb or leap every time you open the cage?  You might not be ale to pick him up - if you have to catch him or grab him by the tail, then it's a good sign he isn't happy with what's going on.  The best signal from him that it may be safe to handle him is if he approaches your hand calmly when you place it in the cage.  You may get bit if you misinterpret his body language, but the good news is, there are no diseases that can be transmitted by a mouse's bite.  Ultimately, whether or not to keep him is obviously up to you, but keep in mind that he has strong, genetic instincts to get away from big scary folk like us.  :)

As far as toys, places to hide and things to chew on are good ideas.  Go to your local pet shop and check the rodent section, as well as the bird and reptile sections.  Or you can get creative by building something at home:

The cage you bought him is fine, as long as he cannot fit his head through the bars.  Where his head can go, the rest of him can go!

Hopefully I have answered all of your questions, but if you have any others, please let me know and I'll help however I can!  :)
