Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > mouse chews on other mouses ear

mouse chews on other mouses ear

21 15:32:24

hey, i originally had three female mice. a yellow, and two grey ones, one small the other large. i got the small grey one and yellow one first. and then the large grey one months later. a few weeks ago, i had to get my yellow one put down. and now only have the two grey ones. my partner and i noticed that the larger ones ear had been gnawed at, and subsequently fell off, though part of it still remains. today i caught the smaller one on top of the bigger one and gnawing at the remainder of the ear. the bigger one didnt seem to try and escape, but we werent sure it was normal. i dont really want to seperate them and get more mice, but not sure what else to do........any help would be greatly appreciated.

Dear Matthew,

No, it isn't normal.  The two mice need to be separated.  If you don't want to get more mice, put the two mouse cages next to each other so they can 'talk.'  They do squeak to each other in little high pitched voices all the time.

Best of luck.

