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Bird seed? Holding mice together?

21 15:33:25

Dear Natasha,

Thanks for answering my other questions!! You really helped.
In your other answer you said as long as they have a healthy diet they should be fine. I was wondering if you could give mice bird food. And since I have 2 mice I was also wondering if it's better to play with them together or separately.

Thank You. You've helped me so much...

Dear Jess,

I don't recommend bird seed as the primary diet for mice.  Bird seed is formulated for the needs of birds, and mice are very different than birds.  Pet stores nowadays usually have a mix for rats and mice; if that isn't available, hamster/gerbil mix is fine.  While they are eating bird seed they should have plenty of raw vegetables to eat.  Note that in the wild, mice can survive on just about anything, but like people, a balanced diet makes them the healthiest.

You can hold them together or separately.  If they are scared it's  probably good to hold them at the same time.  Often I hold a couple of mice together just due to time constraints.  It's good to give them some individual attention during that time, though, if they are calm enough for one to be engaged in something while you pet the other one.  But either way works.  

Squeak n giggles,
