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preterm mouse babies after experiment

21 15:37:30

Respected Madam
I need preterm mouse baby (4-5 days before birth) during my experiment and keep maintain germ free. So, i will remove by sezerian  before birth.Now its a challenge for me to survive these babies without their mother. Is it possible to survive them without their mother? If yes how can we feed them?

Dear Dipendra,

There is no way to save the life of a preterm baby mouse.  The most humane way to kill them is to quickly chop off their heads. Other methods are flushing and freezing.  If you know of anyone with a lizard or tarantula which eats pinkies, at least that would be a useful end for them.


I apologize to anyone who read this hoping for a happy answer.  I wasn't sure how to flag it so you wouldn't read it : (