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Does my deer mouse carry hantavirus?

21 15:11:32

I found a baby deer mouse in my garage (eyes closed, ears flat, little fur), about 8 weeks ago. I fed him kitten milk until he ate baby cereal then mouse food and seeds. He has grown big and strong and lives in a large glass aquarium with toys and a wheel and a house. I'm very fond of him. I just learned about hanta virus. Can he have it? How can I find out? I don't want to let him go so how can I be safe? Two days after I found him, I found a dead baby mouse in a different part of the garage, and a day after that a live one who didn't make it. I think I flooded the lungs but I'm not sure. I live in Northern NJ if that matters for Hanta. Since I found him so young could he still have caught hanta? Thank you for any insight. I really hope I can keep him.

Dear Diann,

Fortunately, there is a blood test for hantavirus. Talk to your vet.

Also, go to the CDC website and find out how many people in New Jersey have gotten it. It is probably less than a dozen in the last 25 years. It is super rare in the East. By the way, those websites have to avoid lawsuits, so they scare you as much as possible. Don't be frightened off. Your mouse is probably fine.

I'm thrilled that you were able to save  him! I have never had a pet wild mouse but people have told me that when you hand raise a baby field or deer mouse, you get one of the best pets in the world. Not only are they loyal and sweet, they also live longer than fancy mice.

I hope I have helped to alleviate your fears.  Enjoy your little fellow!

Squeaks n giggles,
