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Scabs and now bleeding

21 15:37:46

i started off with 2 female fancy mice, Wendy and jenny. about 4 months after they were purchased Wendy suddenly died. worried about jenny being alone i bought another female mouse. i notice a few days later that jenny have what i am assuming to be scabs. i thought maybe it was just a skin condition that would go away, seeing as i am on a very strict budget i can't really afford a vet. now i have noticed that she has a bloody sore that is dried behind and in her ear. the scabs have spread and are now on her neck,upper back, ears and muzzle. i was wondering if there is anything i can do to help the wounds or heal her.

Dear Sarah,

The most likely cause of any fur loss or skin irritation/scabs is mites.  The mites make the mouse itch and it scratches the fur and sometimes skin off, producing a wound.  A vet could examine a skin specimen under the microscope to find out if this is the problem or if it is a fungal or other problem.  If you can't go to a vet, the best thing to do is treat for mites and hope that's it.  Mites are quite common, so this often clears up the problem.

If you want to treat for mites, please follow the directions listed in this archived post of mine:

The vet can diagnose it more quickly; or the mite treatment can save the vet fee.

good luck!

