Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > Squeaking


21 15:21:53

Dear Tamarah,

I've had two female pet mice since May. One of my mice, Juliet, got very sick ten days ago and passed away last night. As soon as I found out she was sick, I tried to research online what I should do, and I saw a website saying that mice should be separated if one is sick just in case the illness is contagious. So once I noticed that my second mouse, Eloise, was squeaking or what appeared to be coughing, I put her in a separate cage just to be safe. She stopped squeaking/coughing the next day.

Once Juliet died I cleaned my mice's normal cage and put Eloise back in it. Today I noticed she is squeaking/coughing again and it concerns me because I don't know if she's sick or if she's just lonely. I cleaned the cage very well so I don't know why she would suddenly be sick. But I also read that mice don't squeak when they are satisfied and healthy.

Overall, should I be concerned about my mouse's health and take her to the vet, or should I relax and accept the fact that Eloise is recovering from her house mate's absence? And by the way, Eloise has a shiny coat and clear eyes and is still active and eating. Thank you so much for your time!


Dear Rachel,

I'm sorry for your loss, although it sounds like you did everything you could.  It is likely that even though you separated Eloise quickly, she picked up the infection during her time with Juliet and is only just now showing it.  It probably took a little while to take hold, and is resurfacing now that she is living alone (and probably a bit stressed from it, which can lower an immune system).  I would recommend a vet visit to be on the safe side rather than waiting for any more symptoms; that way you can get her all cleared up and healthy again, and maybe a new friend once she's better.  :)

Best of luck to you both!