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cat attack

21 15:09:35

My mouse got attacked by a cat and idk but he has a gash on the back of his head his skin tore and like Ipput triple antibiotic ointment and I have no money for a vet so what else can I do to help my poor Winston

Hi Jackie,

There is no way for me to tell from here how serious the injuries may be, so it is imperative that you find a way to get a local expert's assistance in treating his injuries.  I am not a vet, and since I am not there with Winston, all I know is what you have told me.  You may be able to try contacting your local pet shops, rodent breeders, animal rescues and shelters, wildlife rehabilitators, and veterinarians if anyone knows a low-cost option, can help you pro bono, or can help you personally with his injuries.  Even if they cannot help, they frequently know somebody who can.  If you have a teaching veterinary hospital near you, they may be able to help Winston as a special case, but this is fairly rare.

In the meantime it is crucial to note any persistent bleeding, swelling, or changes in behavior.  Winston needs to be kept warm, so if the room he is in now gets cold during the night or anything like that, be sure he is some place with a constant temperature and warm bedding.  You can also try putting him on a general antibiotic like tetracycline, and here are some wonderful instructions, but I would advise that you skip the initial dose part (making a paste and smearing it on him so he can get some faster) as his mobility may be impaired from the location of his wound:

If you have any other questions, please let me know.  I hope he is doing well and healing normally, and that there were no more serious injuries!  Best wishes!
