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Should I feed starving mouse pups?

21 15:32:23

I've found 3 pups today, their mother was dead, as well as 4 other pups.  They are very young, and I think the mother died about 4 days ago.  What can I do to help them?  they are about 4 cm, closed eyes, greyish but not much hair. 2 are able to walk around, but 1 is very weak (donno if it is because he is to small, or because underfed).  I don't know anything about mice, I'm living in Tanzania. Now I'm trying to give them cow milk, that is the only thing which is available. Even if you think it is beter to let them die, if chances of surviving are small, you can please tell me.  Thank you for your assistance.  


Dying of starvation is a pretty awful way to die.  I think it is best to try to save the pups, even if they don't have a great chance of survival.  

Cow milk is not the best choice for mice, but if it is the only option, it's better than nothing.  Other things you might look for are kitten milk (the best option), puppy milk, or an infant formula such as Pedialyte.  

An eyedropper is the easiest way to feed them.  Their mom fed them every half hour, so if you can manage at least every 2 hours around the clock, they will have a much better chance of survival.  After feeding them, drop by drop, as much as they will take, you will need to rub their abdomens with a Q-tip to stimulate excretion.  Use a warm, damp cloth to wipe any formula off of them.

I wish you the best of luck.

