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I got a Fancy Mouse

21 15:39:46

Just yesterday my best friend gave me a Male Fancy Mouse...He is super cute ...he is a camramel and white colored mouse. He was put up for adoption at the pet store she works at and decided to give him to me because i recently lost my cat and instead of replacing my cat i wanted something small and simple to love. My friend told me that the mouse was probabaly about a year to a year and a half years old...I dont know if the previous owner played with him or showed him much attention. he is kinda skidish when i go to pick him up so i let him run into his toilet paper tube first. he moves alot and runs around all over me and i think he is getting use to me. Im still working on him climbing into my hand on his own and eating from it. Do you think he will eventually trust me even though he is pretty old? Another thing is....Do you think i could get him to use the bathroom in one corner of the cage? If i just keep a little bit of his droppings in the same corner after cleaning the cage out? HE POOPS ALOT!...thats my only con about the lil guy. What do you think??

Dear Beth,
thank you for your question.
Fancy mice are never as relaxed as rats or hamsters when handled, it's normal for them to be a bit skittish and never sit still for a minute. With patience, you may get the mouse to eat from your hand or climb around on you, but it may take a while. Age doesn't have much to do with this, it's a question of the mouse's character. Try pumpkin seeds as treats, most mice like them very much.

You may be able to get him to pee into the toilet corner, but he will continue to poop everywhere, that's what mice do. Since he's male, he will probably also continue to mark his territory with little drops of urine.

I hope I was of some help to you