Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > URGENT orphan mouse wont eat

URGENT orphan mouse wont eat

21 15:32:10

i recently found 3 baby mice i have read your other article and i have done some research, they are just beginning to get fur i believe there maybe 4 or 5 days old. i have been feeding then with a q tip and now i started them on a baby feeding bottle with a long thin nipple on it.  two of them took to it very very well there getting much bigger, one doesn't seem to be doing as well I'm not sure how long it will survive she wont really eat its like she cant no matter how slow i go all she does is breathe it in and choke all the time, she is allot more tiny and weaker then the others cause she wont and cant eat. is there anything i can do please help fast...

Dear Lorena,

The best device to try to feed her with is an eyedropper.  However, she just may never figure it out.  Mice are unfortunately only programmed to be raised by their mom, and it is terrific that the other two have adapted so well.  But sometimes the best efforts of a human aren't enough.  The other factor is that often the reason that babies are abandoned by their mother is that there is something wrong with them.  This little one is surely the runt of the litter, which will mean she wasn't as good as her siblings at even nursing from mom.  

Try the eyedropper and see if it works.  And don't blame yourself if the pup doesn't survive.  You did your best.  I hope she is ok.

