Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > Should I get new companions while my mouse is not so well

Should I get new companions while my mouse is not so well

21 15:19:40

Hi Natasha,
One of my mice died a few weeks ago - I had been giving her antibiotics prescribed by the vet for respiratory problems, but guess I had started too late.  My other mouse started showing similar symptoms, and I'm giving her antibiotics as well.  She's still fairly active, she gets up to eat and drink, but will sometimes pause and just sit for a while..her posture seems hunched most of the time.  When she's sitting still or sleeping, that's when her heavy breathing is most noticeable.  By the way, I've had this mouse 4 months, but she seemed full size when we got her from the pet store, so I can't really tell her age.

I'm debating whether some new friends will help her to get better, thinking they may keep her warmer and less lonely, and help with grooming.  Or will meeting new mice put more stress on her?  Thanks ahead of time for your help.

Dear Bea,

Normally I would say no new mice if you have a sick mouse, because you don't want to expose them.  However, I know that when people are on antibiotics they are no longer contagious after 24 hours.  So if the antibiotics are definitely helping, she is probably not contagious. If they aren't, though, then it may be the disease is still contagious.  My advice is to call the vet and ask if they think your mouse is contagious.

If the vet thinks it's OK than it's a very good idea to get some companions for your remaining mouse. Because she's under the weather, you want to make it as nonstressful as possible. Get two baby mice and put them in her cage. This way she will feel at home.

I hope she feels better soon <:3  )--~
