Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > a friend for my mouse

a friend for my mouse

21 15:32:41

My mouse is almost 2 years old, and unfortunately I don't have a lot of time to handle or play with it.  Would it be a good idea to buy another one to keep it company? I'm almost positive it's a girl, so I was thinking of buying another female mouse. What do you think?

Dear Joy,

It really depends on whether you want another mouse after this one dies.  Two years old is fairly old for a mouse, though in unusual cases they do live up to three. If she is used to being alone, she's probably ok, although she would certainly be pleased with a companion. If, however, she is used to being with you and now things have changed and you have no time for her, then it would be good to give her a friend.

If it were a boy, it would have a very prominent rear end, which looks like buttocks but is actually his testes. A girl should get along well with another girl.  

Have fun!

squeaks n giggles,
