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my mouse has a scab

21 15:10:36

i think that my mouse Jerry has a cut. it looks like it has scabbed over but im not sure. he keeps scratching it and himself. i checked him for mites but i didnt see any. he still seems normal aside from the scab. it just worries me. also he vibrates all the time and i read that they do that when they are scared. is that true? just please help me figure out what to do because i dont want my baby to get sick.

Hi LiAmber,

Mites are not very easy to spot, and in fact a vet has to use a microscope to diagnose them.  Where is Jerry's scab?  Is it just one spot?  Or is he itchy all over, around the head, neck, and shoulders?  Is it healing normally?  Just like in people, scabs feel pretty itchy, so it's more important to find out what caused the cut in the first place and if he is itching elsewhere.  Please write me a followup if you'd like with the details and I'll see if I can help a bit more.  In the meantime, if the scratch is not right next to his eye or nose, you can put a tiny amount of antibiotic ointment (such as Neosporin, or store brand triple antibiotic ointments) on the scab 1-2 times a day to prevent infection.  Only use a small amount with a clean finger, however, as he's likely to groom most of it off.

When you say he vibrates, what do you mean?  A mouse who feels threatened will sometimes rattle their tails against something hard, which makes a loud buzzing sound.  This is accompanied by a frightened stance, with ears pricked and the body curved away defensively.  They won't typically do this when left alone - but when something is directly in front of them, like a predator, an aggressive mouse, or even a person if they are very not used to being handled.  If he is buzzing his tail in response to you, it may mean it's time to give him a little space.  A hide where he can feel safe and alone is a good way to make him feel more secure and comfortable.  You can also try giving small, healthy treats such as cheerios or pumpkin seeds each time you accidentally frighten him, if this is in fact the case.

If he is vibrating when unprovoked, or shaking in a way that is not his tail buzzing quickly against something in the cage, I would look to other potential causes.  Again, please feel free to write me a followup with more details and I will do my best to assist.

Best of luck, and please let me know if I can help out more or explain anything a little better!