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mouse passing pink flesh and bleeding not sure from what hole

21 15:11:59

I have a female fancy she was bred got very big but we only found four pups. she has gotten very skinny from the top angle but has a mass under her around the stomach area. today i noticed she is bleeding and passing a fleshy mass from either her vagina. I believe it is a pup. Is this normal for days later? what should I do?

Dear Amy,

The pink flesh is a delayed abortion. That's fine. I hope it continues until all the fetuses are gone. If she is still bloated, she probably still has rotting flesh inside her. That is not fine. She could get infected.

The bleeding may indicate that she is already infected. That's no good.

She should absolutely go to the vet. Of course her pups must go with her so they can nurse.

I hope she is OK. In the mean time, before you can get her to the vet, massage her gently but often around the bloated part. This might help her to pass them. This works for constipation. But it is not enough. She needs to go to the vet.

I hope she is OK. If she is not, try to get a pet store to take take the pups and put them with their own nursing mom. If they can't take them, watch the video at the addy listed in my profile for how to hand raise pups. It is a lot of work. But they will be unbelievably sweet as adults.

Best of luck.

