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lump on my mouse

21 15:15:51

I have a fancy mouse that has a very large growth kind of where her shoulders would be and goes to about the middle of her back. She seems to have put on a bit of weight (That may have nothing to do with her lump, but I thought I would be specific.). She tends to be more lethargic then her other two sisters. I was wondering what you thought this might be. Thank you so much for your time!


Dear Danna,

The best thing to do is to consult a vet. Find a vet who specializes in "pocket pets" or "exotics."  Ask the local vets who they refer mice to. If a vet says she or he treats mice, ask how many mice they have treated in the last month. You want the vet to have as much experience as possible.  I have heard horror stories about inexperienced vets : ((  The vet can probably tell just by feeling the lump whether it is an abscess or a tumor.

If the growth was slow, it is very likely a tumor. Mouse tumors can often be removed but because they are generally malignant, more tumors usually occur soon afterward. An operation can give the mouse another month or so, but the stress and terror of the operation may not be worth it; and mice can also be prone to dying of anesthesia. A tumor doesn't always kill a mouse right away, and in fact a mouse can often live for months with a larger and larger lump. It may look awful, but as long as the mouse seems in good spirits and can still move around and eat, there is no reason to put her to sleep. Her back is a pretty good place for it, although we don't know what it is doing under the skin. It may not bother her for a long time.

If it grew more quickly, it may be an abscess. If it is an abscess, which is a localized infection and buildup of pus, it is easily treated with antibiotics. A vet will also lance it, which means to make a hole with a needle to let the fluid out. Any wound or scab on it would point more to an abscess. You really aren't going to know for sure unless you go to an experienced vet.

If a vet trip is impossible, or the vet can't see the mouse for a day or more, you can try treating her at home with an over the counter antibiotic. This is absolutely not as good as what the vet can do. The easiest to get is Tetracycline. You don't however, want to try lancing it at home. Thus it's far better to go to the vet.

The following posts explains where to get and how to use Tetracycline when you suspect an abscess:

Remember, the vet visit is always the best choice.

Best of luck and health to your little girl.

