Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > lopsided pregnant mouse

lopsided pregnant mouse

21 15:21:48

i have a mouse that i think is pregnant she is really big but she has a funny shape to her one of her side as a big lump on it coz she is having lots of babys

ANSWER: Dear Mary,

A pregnant mouse should be symmetrical.  Your mouse might have a tumor or an abscess.  She needs to go to the vet.  Call around to find a vet who specializes in "pocket pets" or "exotics."  

Best of luck to her.



---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

i did take her to the vets and the others 2 mice she was with and thay told me the she was a girl and the other 2 was boys so she was more likey to be having babys than a tumor.

Dear Mary,

I'm so glad the vet said she was OK.  If I had to guess what would make a pregnant mouse lopsided I'd say this:  The way mice gestate is the mouse doesn't have one big uterus, she has something like 18 little ones strung out like Christmas tree lights.  If for some genetic reason half of these uteruses were faulty,  she would just have babies in the uteruses in the other half.  

Have fun with the babies!

squeaks n giggles,
