Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > How do I know if my mice have mange?

How do I know if my mice have mange?

21 15:32:00

I have a black male mouse.  He's lost little patches of hair along his rear, which look as if he is "battle scared".

Because his under skin is white, when he loses some of his black fur it is quite noticeable.

It could be from squabbles between the males but he is quite a bit larger than the other males as they are only 4 weeks old and he is fully grown, and a bit overweight.

Just wanted to check what the symtoms of mange were just in case there is something wrong and that he should be taken to the vet and not just "wear and tear"  as I have been thinking.  

Dear Sandra,

There are several causes of mouse fur loss. Mange is one; but it can also be mites, allergies, ringworm, or another fungal infection.  The vet should be able to tell what the problem is with a skin sample under a microscope, and give you the appropriate, modern treatment method.  You need to make sure the vet handles small furry pets or 'exotics' because a cat and dog vet may have no idea how to examine or treat a mouse.

You may need to treat all the mice in the cage, so bring them all in (in their cage if you can).

Good health to the mouse.

