Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > Mouse with... Hemorrhoids??

Mouse with... Hemorrhoids??

21 15:09:20

Hello, I currently have four pet mice. All seem to be doing great, except for one. They are all females; this one was doing fine until I saw her about a day ago with a giant red bulge coming out of her butt. I thought she was trying to poop, but it's still like that and it's been about a day and a half. I'm worried her intestines might be coming our or something. She seems to be functioning normally, eating properly, popping normally, etc. It's a huge red bulge, and she tracks blood with her wherever she walks. I'm very concerned, please help.

Hi Audrey,

She needs a vet's  attention ASAP. This isn't something you can cure at home.

You need to find a vet trained in either "exotics" or "pocket pets."  Cat and dog vets do not know mice, whether they think they do or not.

I wish her the very best of luck and health.

