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mouse sitting in corner

21 15:18:25

i bought a mouse for a project, but after the project i decided to keep him. after the project i had to buy my own cage for him and give his cage back to the teacher. in this cage my mouse runs on his wheel then climbs the cage and chews the yellow coating off the cage bars and tries to squeeze out. He hasnt been eating right so i thought he was trying to loose weight to fit out of the cage. but today when i came home from school he was sitting in the corner with his nose in the ground and i though he was dead but he was breathing. i checked his water bottle thing and it was like he hadnt drank any. i thought he was dehydrated so i brought him into the kitchen and tried to make him drink. then he like fainted and fell off my hand into the sink. he slowly got up but he was moving slowly before that also and i think he may be dying, his eyes r just barely open, he wont drink, i can pet him or do anything, but hes breathing, moves a little, wont eat, lost alot of weight and now its like all his weight has moved up to his shoulders and his stomach is skinny.... do u have any idea wat could be wrong

Dear Greg,

Your mouse is very, very sick. The only hope for him is to bring him to the vet. If you can't do that, the only thing you can do is make him as comfortable as possible. He may eat some yogurt or more likely, soy yogurt. Make sure he stays warm.

