Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > what to do for pregnant mouse?

what to do for pregnant mouse?

21 15:16:09

QUESTION: hi, i think i have a pregnant mouse. if i do she would of got pregnant 13 days ago (i know it is this many days because i have been counting from the day i have found the plug i no this means that she may not be pregnant as the plug means mating has been done successfully) the problem is she is not getting fatter but she has been sleeping alot, eating the fatty foods i give her (along with her complete diet lab blocks)  ,the male sometimes doesn't sleep with the female, she doesn't go on her wheel much any more (she used to go on it heaps) please help!!

ANSWER: Dear Georgia,

I have had does give birth to as many as 18 babies in a litter... And as few as 1! A mouse pregnant with one tiny little baked-bean-sized pup may not show at all. Give her 23 days after the plug, to decide she wasn't pregnant.

Have fun with the babies!



---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi again, I have been giving her lots of fatty foods like dog food, cat food, bird seed, sunflower seeds, chicken, oats soften or dry, mealworms, she gets common grey  lizards that are alive but there only little And I stun them so they don't bite her, alive moths I find the moths around the house  , and she also has some fresh veggies along with lab blocks   she also has vitams in her wAter. She gets vitams  in her water along with her cat/dog food bird and sunflower seeds and lab blocks everyday and the other foods sometimes. Am I doing good enough?? Or too much?? I hope I am not! Thanks geOrgia!!

Dear Georgia,

Relax! All she needs is a little extra protein such as scrambled egg, along with her usual diet. If she likes the lizards that's probably plenty. Not that you'll hurt her with all that but it is sort of overkill! I only recommend any kind of dog or cat food if it is VERY high quality. Most big brands are not, no matter what they say. Something from a pet health food store. Probably better just to lay off the dog and cat food. She is, after all, a mouse. So regular food, vitamins, and a little bit of protein.

What a lucky mouse she is to be taken care of so well!

Squeaks n giggles,
