Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > mouse check-up after friend dies?

mouse check-up after friend dies?

21 15:21:40

QUESTION: my brothers mouse died and i was wandering if i should get my mouse a checkup to see if she has any diseases.

ANSWER: Dear Jessica,

It's hard to give you accurate advice, not knowing the circumstances of the other mouse's death.  If she died of an illness, for instance if she was sneezing, a vet check might bring to light symptoms in the remaining mouse that you haven't noticed.  If the death was very sudden, there was any lump, or if the mouse was old-- over 18 months-- then natural causes are likely.  My own course would be to wait to see if she develops any symptoms, since a vet visit can be pretty stressful. If you do bring her in, find a vet who specializes in pocket pets or exotics.  Not every vet will look at a mouse, and a dog and cat vet isn't trained to recognize mouse symptoms.  Bringing her in her cage will minimize stress.

If the mouse seems symptom-free, her priority is to get a new friend or two.  Mice are very sociable and can get depressed and sick if they lose their friends or live alone.  I always have a minimum of three mice in a cage so when one dies, the other two have each other; then I have a little time to replace mouse number three.  

If you are phasing out of mice and so she needs to live alone, then try to give her at least an hour of quality people time a day. This can include sitting on your shoulder as you do other things.  

I wish your mouse a long and happy life!



---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: thanks...but around 7 the very same day my mouse died...idky but i just know they die from the same first they were limp, then my brother's mouse looked as if she was gonna throw up but mine never did that, after their breathing got slower and slower till it just stopped...we only had them for like a month...

Dear Jessica,

I'm sorry about the little mice.  It does sound like it was the same thing, whether it was illness, poisoning, or some environmental cause.

If you do get more mice, make sure you clean everything with a bleach solution and throw away all paper or wood items that can't be washed.  And don't get them from the same pet store.

