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Radish in trouble! Bite leads to infection.

21 15:16:07

Hi Natasha,
Just when I thought all was well with my pets!
This morning I put Radish in with Dash and her babies because she seemed lonely. (How stupid am I?) She attacked him and I immediately took him out, getting bitten myself in the process. I didn't realize at the time that she had harmed him at all. He looked fine and his fur covers all signs of harm. I took him out again just now and his face is swollen to twice its normal size and his eyes are nearly swollen shut, they also have a whitish fluid in them. I looked closely and he has a cut from the top of his head all the way to his ear. I disinfected it with salt water and a mild antiseptic (Savlon and water) as soon as I realized, but he is not looking very well. HELP!! What do I do? I feel so bad, I really stuffed up on this one. I didn't realize she would still be protecting her babies, as they are grown up enough to eat on their own already. And she was fine with him last time I put him in for a visit. :( :( :(
Thanks and sorry to bother you again so soon.

Dear Kate,

Oh NO!  Poor Radish!! You couldn't have foreseen it would be different than his other visits. I do think she probably wasn't lonely, though. I don't think adult mother mice get stir crazy with only their kids to talk to like people do... I also wouldn't put a male in even for a second unless I wanted more babies...

He would need an antibiotic immediately, if it were possible. Swelling means infection, and infection can kill fast. I do remember you are in a tiny town in rural Africa and don't have access to very many resources. I am quite sure the vet is out of the question, though it might be his only chance. I am afraid you might not be able to get anything at all, quickly. I remember you looked for the fish tetracycline and couldn't find any, so this might be impossible.  I wish I could help!...

Probably the best thing you can do is use the antibiotic powder you still have for his eyes. Wash the wound and put the medicine on it three times a day. Keep Radish warm to help him fight infection.

Hopefully he will fight this. But if he gets very sick (motionless), I only have one more suggestion. In the past, when a mouse of mine who is very loving has gotten very sick, I have actually held her very quietly in my hand continuously for 12-24 hours. I have certainly saved lives this way, crazy as it may sound. It is a combination of the warmth and the love. I hope it doesn't get to this, which may be impossible for you anyway.  

I hope he is OK. I'm so sad this happened to him. I wish him very much luck. Don't worry about bothering me. I love these little guys.

