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wild mouse hiccups

21 15:11:52

I found a newborn mouse in my glovebox last monday. Tissue nest with no other babys. Pinkie looked newborn to me. Have been giving him kitten formula every 2 hrs round the clock. He seemed to be doing well all week skin darkened eyes forming and ears flaps are starting to stick out. Last night he started hiccuping after each feeding and isstill doing this  . I am using an eyedroper to feed him and he seems to be a little thinner to me. How should his stool look formed or soft watery? I will send pics in an hour or so going to get some pedealyte and a scale. Is hiccups normal?

Dear Michele,

I'm afraid my answers to both questions are negative.

It should not be hiccuping. It is possible that it is getting too much formula from the eyedropper. It is best to use a tiny paintbrush, so it can suck as much formula as it wants.

It should also not have diarrhea. This link will lead you to ten videos about raising orphans.  One does deal with diarrhea but I'll let you find it--- Her headings are inaccurate but it is a good idea for you to watch all ten.

It is very hard to raise these orphans even when they are well. And often the ones we find are not well, or not healthy in some way-- those are the ones the mom abandons on purpose.

I do hope he is OK. Watch all of the videos to make sure you are doing everything right.

